
Suite for Linked Data


Standards compliant

We focus on support of the web standards. By using well-known open source libraries first, we make sure that offer a state-of-the-art support of web standards such as RDF 1.1 and SPARQL 1.1. Only where there is no reusable supported implementation, we code our own, such as for the CSV on the Web standard


Linked Data benefits exploitation

We always try to go back to what Linked Data usage should deliver compared to CSVs and XMLs. Whether it was getting data whenever you dereference an IRI or added value when modelling data using well-known vocabularies. Our tools are interoperable thanks to the same principles.


Use case driven

We use the tools ourselves, for our projects. Whenever something bothers us, we try to fix it. If you see a possibility for improvement, a shortcut in the UI to save some clicks etc., create and issue or send a pull request to make the tools better for everyone as we do.